To start your business or to expand your business as an individual micro-entrepreneur, you can use credits, such as the BNDES MEI card. Of course, there are several issues to be discussed!
But here, let’s start with the assumption that you are determined to apply for credit because you need one. One way is to apply for the BNDES MEI card to finance your business. But how does this work? We will see later.
What is the BNDES card?
The BNDES Card is a product of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES). It is used to finance the investments of companies of any category headquartered in Brazil, such as the MEI company, respecting the maximum annual revenue limit for each category.
Only accredited financial institutions can issue the card, in partnership with the BNDES, which is only the institution that holds the funds. The partner banks will analyze the request and approve or not the issuance, according to the criteria of each one.
BNDES card issuing banks
Check with your bank if it is an agency accredited to issue the BNDES MEI card. These are the banks issuing the BNDES card:
Bank of Brazil;
Banco do Nordeste;
Banestes; Banrisul;
Federal Savings Bank;
The client can choose which financial institution will issue the BNDES MEI card, which may maintain a relationship with a bank that already carries out frequent transactions. But, if the order is refused, the customer can choose to order the card in another bank.
The credit limit can be up to R$ 2 million for each customer per issuing bank, with a maximum installment payment of 48 months and a pre-fixed interest rate.
How can the BNDES MEI card be useful?
This card can open many doors for the Individual Microentrepreneur. After all, you will have working capital to invest in your business or resources to reverse an emergency financial situation, in addition to being able to expand your business infrastructure.
If you need to buy a vehicle for your MEI, using this card can be a solution.
The same applies to equipment, for example, for your beauty salon, packaging for your e-commerce or physical store, agricultural supplies, office supplies, audiovisual equipment, computers, virtual products, etc. It is allowed to resell products financed by the BNDES MEI card, but it is not possible to buy used products with it.